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From Jeanine Banthorpe
"Hello Waveney Clarion, So happy to find this site - brings it all back. Anyway, I can add two names to the people in this Clarion gathering photo that I found on your website, to replace the ?? that you have in the caption. Must say it was slightly un-nerving to open a webpage and find a photo of myself. The (young!) woman on the very far left, looking down and with her chin resting on her hand is Jeanine Ambrose. The man immediately to her left, turned slightly away from her because he is talking to John Ellerby, is her husband Mike Ambrose. We were regular supporters of the fairs from mid-1976 (the year we met and the year we discovered Barsham Faire) and we bought every issue of the Clarion from then onwards. I used to regularly wear the Clarion coypu t-shirt too. It was my lucky t-shirt for taking exams! I remember going to a terraced house in central Lowestoft to collect it - can't remember now if it was John Ellerby's house. Also I remember going to a gathering where we enjoyed curried eggs and brown rice. Would it have been the gathering in this photo? Thank you so much for everything - for the fairs, the Clarion, the friendship - wish we were still there now! Wish I was still so young, too."
From Richard Howland-Bolton
"Hi, ancient Becclesian now in Texas. Great start to your site. I do hope you continue to develop it. I was looking at a 'nutria' (as they call it down here) just this morning and thought of Coypu Comix. So I googled and found your site. I'd love to see more of the Comix. Thanks for a blast from the past. RHB (Below: little bastard is munching on pretty flowers down by Collin Creek in Plano, TX!)
From Meg Amsden:
"Dear Captain Sensible, Yes I have seen it already as I've been in contact with David Eastaugh [who did the radio inteview about our site - see Homepage] recently and he sent me the link. (I first met him in Norwich Library local interest section when I was researching a show and he was a student - poring over copies of the Clarion all day, so I just had to get into conversation, and we've been friends since.) I don't think I have anything to add. It's very good!"
From Terry Willmott:
"Hey Guys, Great to see this site, spent a lot of time at the fairs from early seventies thru 80's, one of the best periods of my life without doubt. love peace and happiness . . . /terry"
From Mike Weaver:
"Well done you two. Great looking site. Just one request, could you change the fairs website link to www.fairsarchive.org.uk. That's the old site, but Martin and I need to make one final effort before the new one is publicly consumeable. We are supposed to be getting on that once Martin returns from Cornwall. Once it's done it will replace the old one at that address. Best wishes, Mike" [Done! Thanks Mike]
From Richard Austin:
Dear Don and everyone, Thank you so much for this. I spent a lovely hour or two looking at the site and will no doubt do so again before long. Best wishes, Richard (Rainbow Wholefoods, Kingfisher Natural Toothpaste, Norwich)
From Patsy Brander:
"Hej Don, Great site. Thanks. love PatC"
From Richard Barnes, editor of The Sun in the East:
“Congratukations! At laarst. What took you solong bor? I am extremely pleased to see your website up and I shall look at it often and make a link from my website. Wonderful stuff Don. Yours, Richard”
From Karen With:
“AB FAB. Very user friendly www site; lots of trips down memory lane to be had; well well done - a def goody and thanks for the pointer to Lol Cs obit, Karen”
From Robert Ladyman:
“Thank you Don - and Borin: I find that I can remember some of the covers, even after all these years [creak!]. Still looking for the Mick Sparksman with "Sheriff Bunny" in it (anyone else remember the Sheriff?)” [No, but we thought you might like a rare glimpse of S.Mouse from Swamp Comix.]
From Edward Wilson:
“Many thanks Borin, for establishing this website. It is great.”